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Welcome to our Covid 19 Update Page


This page will tell you all about how we're keeping you safe as we return to practise, the following guidelines have been agreed between EKF (English Karate Federation) and the UK Government


(Current) As of 27th July 2020



JKS England and by extension JKS Chester have adopted the EKF's four phase return to training model which helps define the route back to full training and competition as follows:


  1. PHASE ONE: A return to non contact training with social distancing compliance, along with a number of safety measure as prescribed in the Return to Training Guidance.

  2. PHASE TWO: Allowing the use of equipment such as makiwara, strike pads, and limited partner work.

  3. PHASE THREE: Return to full, regular training.

  4. PHASE FOUR: Return to Competition

There are no set timelines for when we will move into each phase, and as we do, then various conditions will apply. The current EKF guidance (detailed below) is for Phase One, with which all EKF members are expected to comply. 


EKF Guidance will be adapted and updated accordingly to meet the conditions required as we move through the phases. It also has to be recognised that whilst we might progress from one phase to another, it is entirely possible that we may have to take a step back in response to local or national conditions in respect of Covid 19 spikes in infection rates.


Our hope is that we will soon be able to move to Phase two, if not indoors, then possibly outside. Representations are being made to further progress these aims, but equally, we must not under estimate the magnitude of this pandemic and the risks it brings to all of us. 


Due to the extra demands on teachers and pupils as outlined below, all indoor classes must be pre-booked and classes, at the moment, are limited to 9 students only.


Phase One Guidance

The principle aim of this guidance is to safeguard against the potential spread of the COVID 19 virus whilst allowing for a phased return to full karate training. It will be updated as and when new information is received.


It must be noted that clubs will be obliged to follow any further regulations that are required by any facility they might use. This guidance should be followed in conjunction with any such requirements. 




  1. If you or anyone you have come into contact with has experienced any symptoms of Covid 19 since your previous session, then you must not train and must report to the NHS for a formal test. Instructors will make a note of such occurrences.

  2. You should complete a record of contact details when attending for your session. This is to assist the governments track and trace programmes. We are legally obliged to ensure we have this information and so records will be kept.

  3. On arrival for your session participants should queue outside at appropriate social distance. You should not enter the dojo until invited to do so.

  4. The dojo will have clear markings where each person should stand. This is to ensure that adequate distance is maintained at all times even during practice. It is possible for a member to occupy other parts of their allocated space, but all members in the class must occupy the same space within their allocated area, which maintains social distancing. The class instructor will observe and ensure that social distancing is maintained throughout training

  5. On entry you will be directed to a designated marked position and wait for the session to begin. This may be particularly challenging for our younger members who must be constantly monitored so a full explanation from their parent / guardian would be helpful.

  6. Members must arrive changed and ready to train. Changing rooms, kitchen and toilet will not be open, with the exception of the downstairs disabled toilet. There will be hand sanitiser for use after using the toilet.

  7. The dojo will be ventilated as best as possible with doors and windows open at all time.

  8. Cleansing gel needs to be used before and after practice. It is the responsibility of both the instructors and the members to ensure that antibacterial gel is used.



  1. Only NON CONTACT training will be practised at this time. 

  2. Drilling in moving lines (like marching) will only be allowed if participants have clear ‘lanes’ to move up and down. There must be no entry into another person’s marked space at any time.

  3. There will be no Ki-ai (the karate shout) during training as forcefully driving air from the body (as in shouting) increases the risk of droplets being spread. This would require greater social distance needed between participants as well as potentially infecting surfaces around the members.

  4. Face covering are not compulsory at this time but can be worn as a matter of personal preference.

  5. Sharing of equipment is prohibited.

  6. Instructors will refrain from guiding, or touching any members limb during practice.


Post Session (at the end of, or between, sessions)

  1. Members must leave the dojo is an orderly and organised fashion. They must leave as they arrived, and change at home.

  2. All members are advised to immediately shower on returning to home.

  3. All members MUST clean their training clothes (gi or otherwise) between sessions.

  4. Any congregating of people must be away from the dojo and outside, whilst maintaining Social Distancing protocols. The social aspects of a club should not be under-estimated as it contributes to over- all well-being of members, but these activities must be conducted in line with government guidance.

  5. There must be no hugging or embracing between members at any point, but especially after a session when members are likely to have been perspiring.

  6. If between sessions, then all surfaces will be cleaned using an appropriate steriliser.

  7. If multiple classes are held over the day/evening, the instructor will allow adequate time between classes for clearing and cleaning of the dojo. This is to ensure and minimise the risk of contamination, and maintaining social distancing. It is vital there is no over-crowding at any time around entrances and exits.

  8. As is usual in a traditional dojo, no drinking or eating is allowed in the dojo or entrance areas.

  9. There must be no shared use of drinking bottles at any time.


Safe Guarding

All Safe-Guarding, child protections, and vulnerable adults protocols remain in place. By making on online booking for your child, parents / carers are giving written permission allowing their child to return to training. 







NOTE BENE: All details below are archived and for historical information only. Any details about classes bookings etc are outlined above and on the rest of our website!


(Archive) Tuesday 1st July 2020


As of Mon 6th July we will have one class on Mondays from 5.30-7pm. This class is for all abilities, youngsters who may not manage the full session can be collected after an hour. Full details below 


(Archive) Monday 24th June 2020


As of Sat 4th July groups will be allowed to exercise outside with social distancing in place of 1m+ from that date our outdoor classes will be unrestricted - no need to book just turn up and train. Where there are more than 6 folk training classes will be split into separate groups of 6 individuals to ensure social distancing while training outdoors. Until then current class schedule details are as below.


(Archive) Monday 1st June 2020


Please explore our website but note that the ONLY classes we are holding (until normal service resumes) are those that are listed below. Our usual group classes have all been suspended until further notice. You can either book ahead of time to let us know you're coming, or turn up and train.


Current training sessions are as follows:

Mon 5.30pm-7pm

Tue 8.30am-9.30am

Wed 8.30am-9.30am

Thu 8.30am-9.30am

Fri 8.30am-9.30am


Outdoor training will be held at the Coronation Recreation Ground in Hoole, if the weather is particularly wet, then training will be held across the road in the tennis courts at Alexandra Park. Please bring water, wear your gi or gym gear and trainers if you want to avoid training barefoot outside.


Oh and bring a smile! Outdoor training is a blast!


See you outside folks.




JKS Chester

Club Instructor

Anchor 1

©2019 by JKS Chester Karate School based in Hoole, Chester, UK. Proudly created with

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